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December, 2005
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by JavieR / December 31, 2005 / 23:36
Ok, this update has nothing to update except for the update (...what?)... nevermind.
I just wanna wish everyone that visit this Website a:
Happy 2006!!!
by JavieR / December 30, 2005 / 22:59
 Suspension points... I use them a lot, have you noticed? Well, maybe that's because many of the times I dunno if
end a sentence or... getting the picture?. Well, that's not the point of this update, although it could be a nice discussion.
Let's go with the important stuff. Today I've uploaded 03 images by Lee.
This one is about Phillip J. Fry, that is
featured in every single scan, one from a Futurama Calendar (not really sure, and if I'm right, I missed the year), other from
the cover of the "Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection" DVD, and the last one has Fry's head on Amy's body
from the episode "01ACV04 - Put Your Head On My Shoulder". Now, I was working in a small animation (not Futurama
related, I'll receive royalties for this one :D...I hope... :?) that is actually done, but I now that
I'm gonna have to change something of it later.
by JavieR / December 25, 2005 / 09:03
 Now, after a day full of activities, I've finally made something for Xmas, I made a brand new
Wallpaper that features Xmas (Futurama style of course!). The image was taken
from the "Futurama Comic #6 - Xmas Time Is Fear". The image fetures the main characters, Fry, Leela and
Bender, and also the special appearance of Beezlebot & Robot Santa. The wallpaper name is "Xmas Torture",
and you'll find it in all the resolutions available. Check it out because I made it in a record time (1 and a half hours).
I leave you with that, and now is time to say:
by JavieR / December 24, 2005 / 17:42
 Is about 09H40 (GMT -5) around here and is Xmas day. A lot of things to do and a lot of details to be aware of,
but first, let's update the site once more. In this day, I'm glad to post this image, because is actually the first
Xmas art I've uploaded this year. The image was made by the well known Paul A. Metcalfe,
and features Leela and Amy in Xmas Costumes (cool costumes!), the style of the art is watercolour (a very cool effect that is kinda
difficult to create). Enjoy it, and that's the end of this update (Part 1), don't forget that there's a sequel later in this same website.
by JavieR / December 23, 2005 / 23:00
 Merry Xmas to all of... wait, is not Xmas yet right!? Still a hole day ahead... that complicates things a lot,
but don't worry, this will not affect you. Is time for a new update around here, but first I wanna apologize
because I didn't change the layout for Xmas and also because I haven't created any Xmas Content this year.
Is just that... well, nevermind. Today I have more scans made by recently renewed artist named
Lee Roberts. You'll find about 6 new scans featuring mostly Leela,
Amy (and also Amy 420), The Professor as Professor Freaksworth (The Professor 420), and Kif. Cool scans that Lee has
created, have the same thicker outline, givin' the images a very cool touch. That's it for today, lets hope to have
some more for tomorrow. Bye.
by JavieR / December 21, 2005 / 17:58
 Is true, is that time when you eat so much turkey that you're sick of it for the rest of the year. That's
why I had to upload this before I forgot, thanks to a very cool artist,
Professor Zoidy, I've updated the Fan Art section with
four new arts that she made, featuring the Professor (colored), Kif, Beelzebot and Mario Mario from the Mario Bros.
All the arts are handmade by Rachel (a.k.a. PZ). Just a few more days and Xmas will arrive... xmas presents... Hurray!
by JavieR / December 21, 2005 / 08:27
 Not a problem with eating turkey at all, is just that I'm having a dinner tomorrow and I'll probably eat turkey,
and you can't find turkeys on sale by this moment, even worse a cooked one. Well, is time for a new update around
here, and I'm glad to do this one, because is the return of an artist that I used to upload his art a long time ago.
I'm talking about Lee Roberts, that has created some amazing scans
featuring Leela, Bender and a lot of Fry. There you go, that's all I have to say for today, I hope to update once
again very soon, so bye folks!
by JavieR / December 19, 2005 / 07:44
 Hi there people. This is a quick update since I'm in a hurry around here. I've about 3 exams in 2 days and I'm
going out of my home right now, so this is the flash news. A new artist is featured in this update, and this time
is a 3D Image made by Show. He sent me a rendering of Fry's head that has he's
doing, and in a few more days, he could finish the entire body. I have nothing more to say because I'm outta here!!!
by JavieR / December 13, 2005 / 16:59
 Is nice to be here, and it was about time! I have been kinda busy and at the same time very lazy to update
the site. Since xmas is coming, I should create something new around here, but I don't know if I could
(or would like to) make some new stuff. Meanwhile, please check out this new wallpaper
created by a new artist named Liam Higgins. The image features the Fat Human Bender from the episode
"03ACV18 - Antology Of Interest II". The wallpaper, is available from the 800x600 to the 1280x960
pixels of resolution, so choose the one you use and enjoy it!
by JavieR / December 4, 2005 / 08:08
 Now, are we in December already... geez! I guess you lost the track of time when you're partying. I've been very very
lost in this past week, so is my fault if the site was not updated. Let's see... what I uploaded today, is just
a few more scans created by Paul A. Metcalfe. You'll find about
Fourty Four scans featuring many Futurama characters, so many that I couldn't name all of them. In other
news (non Futurama related), I'm kinda on vacations since on December 6th, here in Ecuador we celebrate
the foundation of Quito, the capital where I proudly live. That's why you may not see many updates this next
two days. I'm still trying to fix the problem with the downloads server... but I dunno what's gonna happen.
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