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by JavieR / March 27, 2007 / 20:29
...but not here... I mean about what I'm supposed to be doing... is because there's no motivation at all... but you don't know what I mean... so let's drop this subject and lets go with the important stuff, the updates. I've a new image by SonicPanther featuring a very sad Fry in the rain, and she stated that this scene is for her coming fanfic. I also have uploaded 8 (yes, eight) new Pixel Arts created by Luke Ellery... and as you know, all of them feature sprites form the characters of the series, this time featuring Cubert, Dwight, Inez & Leo Wong, Zapp, Kiff, Morbo and Professor Wernstrom (Farnsworth's nemesis). I've to go but I'll be back with more great stuff.
by JavieR / March 22, 2007 / 16:31
I'm kinda sleepy right now... I've been busy all day long, so I'm kinda tired right now. However, that's no excuse, so I've just updated the site as you can see. I'm talking about four new images created by Palmbeacher. you'll find and Alter-rama version of the series featuring some of the characters as mermaids, other from the same style... featuring Leela and Zapp, and two kinda different arts featuring one Amy and the other Leela like gothic girls, with a kinda cool style as you can see on the preview at the left. I'l update more stuff tomorrow because I've to sleep for the moment, so in the meantime, stay tooned!
by JavieR / March 19, 2007 / 20:17
Yes, two more days and I've to give an important exam... but that's not the important stuff here at TFP, the important stuff is what I'm abaout to wirte. Today, I've uploaded some great pixelart, once again made by Luke Ellery, this time feturing 9, yes, 9 new Futurama Sprites like Scruffy, Morris Leela, Munda Leela, Mom, Flexo, Big Foot, a Brainslug and Helana (Fry & Leela's daughter). Check them out because those sprites can be used (ask for permission first) in a RPG game if you know how to do one :P.
by JavieR / March 15, 2007 / 12:04
Aaahh, I've until this coming tuesday 20th, to study a 200 pages book, but I just don't know... I've many stuff to do to, so I'll have to make everything really fast. Today I've uploaded some fine arts created by a great artist, she is Palmbeacher. I've uploaded 6 new images that feature many situations, like Bender slaving Fry, an advertising to use a plug featuring Bender (Featured), Leela and Zapp and Leela Poppins. The other two are hand drawings featuring the Robot Devil, and the other a old fashioned Leela and Fry (kinda like 1800 era, or something like that). Check those arts because there's a lot of talent there... and you shoud also check her dA site, palmbeacher.deviantart.com if you want to see great Simpsons arts, including original characters.
by JavieR / March 13, 2007 / 12:29
The site was back... but I wasn't... I had and I have some stuff to do first, but since today I've some extra time I decided to update the site. First, coldangel_1 sent me some days ago his version of "The Cyber House Rules" featuring Leela, Fry and thar surgeon that I don't remember the name of... Secondly, you'll find a new pack of cursors, but this time created by a new person aroun here, please welcome, Luke Ellery. He also created some great pixelated Futurama Sprites, completing the work of Llewwellyn (PEEL Thread, 2003), that created the first ones of Fry, Leela and Bender. You'll also will find the sprites of Amy, Hermes, Zoidberg and Professor Farnsworth, like I said, created by Luke Ellery. I guess that's all for now... I've to study some stuff that I really don't know... yes, I study, bye....
by JavieR / March 8, 2007 / 11:56
Finally the site is once again up and running. I believe nothing is wrong, but if you have problems of any kind please ley me know... just in case. the problem of the shut down was the contact form used, because it was old and had no great security. Because of that, the contact form is disabled and now if you wanna contact me you'll have to use my email directly: javoec.tfp[at]gmail[dot]com. I guess there's nothing else to say but, Welcome Back!
by JavieR / March 5, 2007 / 17:45
I say that because I really want to go bakc to the previous host. My second option will be to find a new host elsewhere, but I'll have to loose the tfp.killbots.com subdomain, that is very well know by now. I have no other choice since I have no news about TFP hosting. Ok, I've some stuff to add today, first, you'll find about 15 new arts created by InsaneInDaMainframe, the images feature mainly leela, Amy and Fry, and some other original characters such as Leela & Fry and Amy, Kif & Leela's kids. The second update is an image of coldangel_1 featuring Leela & Fry in a heroic pose (like a movie poster) that I should add some days ago but didn't because I'm not so pleased to update here (I want the other host!!!)
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