News Archive
July, 2008
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by JavieR / July 29, 2008 / 07:00
 Time for a new update around here.. and is a good one with stuff from the fans!. First, a new Fanfic is now available,
writen by Red_Line, the story is called Critical Mass: Set in the aftermath of Bender's
Big Score and the Beast With A Billion Backs, Fry and Leela have some issues to work through. The fanart featured today
was created by rhinestoner, and features Nibbler drawn
in her style.. is a nice image so you have too see it in full size.
A new section opens today because some people has sent
me their Futurama photos, so the Photorama section
is now open. Two photos of a snow Bender created by
DeingeL, and
other 3 photos by Meagan (aka Smarty) featuring a
sand Bender made at the beach. If you have any Futurama related photo, send it and I'll post it there.
by JavieR / July 28, 2008 / 09:42
 The people of Variety.com recently posted some news about a deal between Fox and Hallmark.
Futurama is included between the licensed TV series and movies that will appear in future Hallmark products. Fox licensing
senior VP Michael Peikoff says that the use of the voice chips with the studio's trademarked characters is one
of the stuff that sales a lot (well, not in that words, but it means the same thing.. $$$$), and that also means that we could
see the Futurama characters in Hallmark greeting cards with their voices. Think about Bender saying:
Happy Birthday meatbag!, Zoidberg with a Forgive Me card saying: Sorry, you must have
been boring ...or even better, how about a real Comrade Greeting Card for Mother's Day
(obviously from the episode 2ACV14 - Mother's Day.. see the thumb). For some of the other series and movies within
that deal check out the full Variety.com article.
In other news, I'm very glad to say: Happy 9 Birthday Futurama Madhouse!!!... we all want to see FM online
for many more years, and hopefully with a new season after the 4 DVD Movies.. the fans can dream.. the fans can dream..
by JavieR / July 27, 2008 / 18:23
 Yesterday was the Futurama Panel at the San Diego Comic Con, where the fans and the producers and cast talked about the series and the 3rd movie, Bender's Game. According to TV Squad: "due to time limitations the panel when right into to audience questions"[reminded me the Futurama schedule at FOX]. The people of PopWatch from EW (Entretainment Weekly) also has some interesting stuff about the Panel at the Comic Con. The main highlights:
- The extended version of the Bender's Game movie trailer revealed that "the cost of Dark Matter is about $632.14 a gallon and that Bender's obsession with Dungeons and Dragons drives the crew into his faux-medieval game world"
- In the 4th movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder, every character of the series (about 300) will appear in the same scene.
- About the relationship of Leela and Fry, the panel said that it will be revisited in the 4th Movie, and some kissing might happen.
- About Zoidberg's love life, Groening explained: "According to rules of his crustacean species, if Zoidberg were to have sex, he'd die. What we're saying is: ~Love can kill you. Read comic books~"
- John DiMaggio sang the San Diego Chargers fight song for a Fan, and then he said, kidding I think (I should study some english again lol), that is: "The WORST theme song in the history of the National Football League"
- Finally, Matt Gorening said: "We'll see. We certainly want to do more Futurama movies [..] anything we can do, stories, movies. [..] We haven't done all the stories. We still have a few secrets left."
So there you go, Futurama has still a lot more to give, and all of us, the fans, can help those guys to keep up the series. For many more details please visit the TVSquad article and the PopWatch EW article.
Futurama at the San Diego Comic Con 2008
by JavieR / July 27, 2008 / 12:32
 According to a AgentDVD news, also confirmed by TV Shows on DVD and /film, David X Cohen said that the release date of the 3rd Futurama movie, Bender's Game could be on November 4th, 2008 (that could change). It says also that is possible that the 3rd and 4th movies will be realeased in Blu-Ray and DVD at the same time. For more info of the interview visit the AgentDVD article.. a brief of the interview can be found at TV Shows on DVD.
Another great plus at /film is the possible cover of Bender's Game, that you can see featured today, and also in the Movies section. In my opinion the cover looks great, so let's hope is the real one because it could be also just a promo of Bender's Game.
More info is coming soon in a few hours, so stick around...
Bender's Game official cover
by JavieR / July 24, 2008 / 19:51
 I've been thinking about revamping some sections of TFP, but is gonna take a while, but don't worry, I'll see what I
can do to make your visit here even better. Today's update has fanart for all of you to enjoy, and this time I've added
new images by Zed 85. About ten new ones featuring
Star Wars with the Futurama main characters (including Jedi Leela), Fry and Leela, Leela and Fry as soldiers
(I think the image featured today, of Leela carrying Fry is really good) ..and some other Leela and Amy arts that you don't
wanna miss.
Please check out the previous news item... I'm very positive about other fans starting to create new Futurama
websites... so what are you waiting for, and support Futurama in that way too!.
by JavieR / July 23, 2008 / 15:26
Are many english sites frozen like Fry was? because the Futurama international community is kinda awakening..
I say this because some non-english sites are emerging, and other are consolidating like big ones.
A few examples:
Futurama Area (FA), that now is, according to me, the big german
Futurama website. Also, Futurama France (FF), the new buddie around here is a great site
for all the french fans of the series... Planet Express, a spanish forum with enough active members.
Futurama Projekt is a slovak site with
very nice content even when the language is not familiar for me whatsoever.. also Futuramania, a new czech site
that looks very promissing, and a pair of new russian sites that I'll check out later.
Now the question, why not more english Futurama websites? I know, some major sites could have all the
content, but back in 2000/2001 there were a lot of sites focused in minor (but also important) stuff of the series..
like food, tv series, alien alphabet (language), links or top sites, skins, and even romanticism.
You were able to find sites dedicated to every characters of the series.. something that is missing right now.
The only beam of light seems to be One and Only Bender, a Bender's site from the 1st days of the Futurama
Community that was brought back a few weeks ago by Juliet. Other english site that is growing is
The Infosphere, a Futurama wiki with many interesting info..
Futuramics, a site dedicated to the Futurama Comics, and the
Futurama Fan Forum.. but I've not seen anything else
in 4 years, other sites appeared but sadly dissapeared in that time... did I miss some site or not? If I did,
please contact me!!
The point of all this is that since Futurama is once again alive with the DVD Movies, whe should be supporting
the series the way we helped to bring back Futurama, creating new sites in order to let more people know
about the show, to capture the new fans, but mainly.. not giving up! If you've a website idea you can go
to the Futurama message boards and ask for help, but try to create an original Futurama site, check out the
PEEL thread Any new Futurama websites around?
if you need some ideas of sites that don't exist right now... I think that's a big way to help Futurama,
that and the DVD Sales, that as you might seen in a previous news entry, are very solid.
by JavieR / July 19, 2008 / 19:44
 I've been somehow busy designing a music website.. but don't worry, I'm back again around here to give you some
more Futurama stuff. The Fanart section has new images from 2 artists; the first one is Maria M Salazar, with 3 new fanarts featuring a
B&W shippy image of Fry and Leela, on with Fry and Leela as kids, and the last one with Fry stealing Leela's heart
(kinda literally).
The other artist over here today (and also featured) is Professor Zoidy, with a neat image called
Leela: Alert by Vega Three.. a nice Leela attack pose for all of you to enjoy.
I've noticed some sluggish behavior of TFP yesterday (maybe problems with the host).. if you find something unusual
you can always reach me at javoec.tfp[at]gmail.com
( [at] means @ )
by JavieR / July 16, 2008 / 08:45
 There's a widget for the 2nd Futurama Movie, the Beast with a Billion Backs
that was released in the official Futurama website, www.ilovebender.com/widget/bbb/. A similar one was also
launched for Bender's Big Score.. and this time it has videos, images, about the DVD and Yivo's bio
(+ other characters bios). The Yivo's info is really interesting and funny, be sure to take a look.
New fanart around here.. because the fans are Futurama. 8 new images from Yume93 (Frygirl) that include
a Fry/Leela sketch, an hand-made Astronaut Fry, some shippy Fry x Leela images and other Fry fanarts.
Another artist around here again is Lee Roberts an his latest image called Zapp Uncensored from the dating
scene if the BWBB. Enjoy!.
by JavieR / July 15, 2008 / 17:50
 According to The-Numbers.com, the second Futurama movie, The Beast with a Billion Backs has sold around 170,000 copies, collecting $3.6 million in only 3 weeks (the release date was on June 24, 2008). The first movie, Bender's Big Score, has reached more than 900,000 copies, grossing a stunning $16.6 million since the release on November 27, 2007. Between the 2 movies the total until now is of 20.2 million dollars (More info here and here).
This looks great for a show one time cancelled by FOX, and brought back to life later thanks to neat advertising and re-runs on Cartoon Network (Adult Swim) and Comedy Central. Let's just hope the 2nd, 3rd and 4th movies can sell like the first one, so then an estimated total of $60 millon (~$15 millon per movie) can prove FOX that Futurama deserves another chance.
In case you didn't notice, this site has now a TFP News RRS feed. If you don't wanna miss all the news around here (like this one), subscribe!. If you're using Firefox 3 (or 2), Opera 9 or Internet Explorer 7, you can click on the top left link that says TFP NEWS. You can also add the TFP News RRS to other popular pages using the AddThis button at the bottom right link of the site. Just in case, the direct link of the RRS feed is:
Bender's Big Score sales
by JavieR / July 13, 2008 / 13:26
 There's a math interview with Dr. Ken Keeler (writer of Futurama) with Professor Sarah Greenwald
(she is in one of the BBS extras ;P) at the
FuturamaMath.com website (that I didn't notice earlier).
Some interesting stuff:
[..] (he) graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor's degree in applied
mathematics from Harvard University in 1983. He received his master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford,
and in 1990, he received his Ph.D. in applied math from Harvard University.
Influences to study applied mathematics: His father, Mr. Spock and Most of his high school friends.
(About interesting numbers) [..] We needed a number (1729) for plot reasons, and David Cohen asked if I could
think of an interesting one, and the Hardy-Ramanujan sum-of-two-cubes story leapt to mind [..] Afterwards David
sort of went to town with the idea whenever we needed a serial number.
[..] Bender's Big Score Taxicab 87539319 is an actual cab (as well as the smallest number that can be written as
the sum of two cubes in three different ways), while Al Gore' Hybraxi taxi is numbered 543895, which is
mathematically related to Gore in a different way.
[..] we needed a name for a movie theater and I came up with the ℵ0-plex. [..] we spent
awhile composing a speech where Bender used a diagonalization argument to prove that even with a countably infinite
number of screens, the ℵ 0-plex still wouldn't be big enough to show every Rocky movie ever
made [..] But we just couldn't make it short enough to keep in the script.
Those are just small but interesting pieces of the entire article, lot's of more stuff and information can
be found in the original interview.
by JavieR / July 13, 2008 / 09:12
 The San Diego Comic Con 2008 will have many panels for you to enjoy, check out the Futurama related dates:
- Bongo Comics
[THURSDAY, JULY 24 @ 1:00-2:00 | ROOM 10]
The Celebration of 15 years with Bongo Comics. Managing editor Terry Delegeane and creative director Bill Morrison host a panel featuring the writers and artists who create the comics and books based on Matt Groening's TV shows
- Futurama Secrets Revealed!
[SATURDAY, JULY 26 @ 10:00-10:45 | BALLROOM 20]
Join Futurama creator Matt Groening and executive producer David X. Cohen in a panel extravaganza!. Appearing are series regulars Billy West, Katey Sagal, John DiMaggio and Maurice LaMarche. Also, color commentary from Eric Kaplan (co-executive producer, writer) and lots of insider straight dope from producer Claudia Katz and director Peter Avanzino of RDS. Plus, don't miss out on your chance to see the sneak peek (I hope, a different one) of Bender's Game, the all-new feature-length Futurama adventure
- The Writers Room: Writing Prime Time Animated Comedy
[SATURDAY, JULY 26 @ 12:00-1:00 | ROOM 10]
Join real live prime time animation writers. Panelists: Eric Kaplan (Futurama, Malcolm in the Middle), Opus Moreschi (Li'l Bush), Dan McGrath (King of the Hill, The Simpsons), Bill Freiberger (Drawn Together, The Simpsons), Maiya Williams (The PJs, Mad TV), and Carolyn Omine (The Simpsons). Moderated by Patric M. Verrone (Futurama, The Simpsons)
- Cartoon Voices II
[SUNDAY, JULY 27 @ 1:15-2:30 | ROOM 6B]
It's a panel where folks who do animation voice work demonstrate their craft and dazzle you with their talents. Panelists: Chris Edgerly (Harvey Birdman, Celebrity Deathmatch), Dee Baker (American Dad, SpongeBob SquarePants), Cheryl Chase (Rugrats, All Grown Up), Katie Leigh (Dungeons & Dragons, Totally Spies!), Billy West (Futurama, Ren & Stimpy) and a few surprises
Don't forget to check out the full San Diego Comic Con 2008 schedule.. and if you look at the previous news entry, you'll notice that only there you can find and buy the two-pack of Santa Bender & Robot Santa figures.
San Diego Comic Con Futurama panel highlights
by JavieR / July 12, 2008 / 14:47
 Just in this minute.. thanks to jhvz from PEEL. There will be a two-pack of Santa Bender & Robot Santa exclusive figures at the San Diego Comic Con. There's a limited edition of 2,000 units and the price is about 50 USD. More Toynami San Diego Comic Con exclusives where announced at this Figures.com article. The weird thing is that Robot Santa is supposed to be the Collection 2 Build-A-Bot figure like the Robot Devil was in the Collection 1 (like is still announced at the official Toynami Futurama website).
The next six Toynami Futurama figures
by JavieR / July 11, 2008 / 16:48
 I case you didn't know, the new Futurama 2009 Wall Calendar is now available for preorder at Amazon with a price of $11,99, and it can be yours on August 5, 2008 (that's the release date.. just in case). You can check the cover by clicking over the image featured today... the style seems very nice.. like comics with strong lines.
In other news, I've uploaded 7 new images from Yume93 (Frygirl) featuring some shippy pics (2 very weird ones...), an image of Fry, one of Leela and Zapp, and some other crazy images like Fry vs. Pulpa (a character made by her) and Leela with Yivo from the BWBB movie.. and that's all, for now.
Futurama 2009 Wall Art Calendar month images
by JavieR / July 8, 2008 / 12:11
 Well, I'm kinda sleepy right now, and is about 15H30 over here.. I should really eat a
manwitch or something.. Well, is time for the important stuff. I added 3 new images
from 100lbs-O-futurama featuring:
iObey Bender from 'Bender's Big Score' (with a gun and jewels, featured today!),
Professor Farnsworth featured in a Suicide Booth and Fry Pope of the universe with Zoidberg
from the 'Beast with a Million Backs'. He trully has an amazing style, so you should really
visit his gallery, you'll not be disappointed!
by JavieR / July 6, 2008 / 09:23
 Well, thanks to aLx194 from PEEL, we all know that the Slurm Energy Drink (1st product of the trademark Slurm) is available at ToyWiz with a price of $3,99 per can and in preorder on ToyRocket at $13,99 (but the quantity of cans is unknown). The product was made by the Boston America Corp that also manufactured products from other TV series like The Simpsons (Duff.. mints), Family Guy (Pawtucket Patriot.. mints), Invader ZIM (Doom juice), Happy Tree Friends (Mints) and also products from Walt Disney & Nintendo series.
The Licensed Products page of Boston America Corp. doesn't list Futurama/Slurm merchandise yet, but I think they will very soon with the release of this drink, lets just hope is highly addictive!. That made me think, what do we expect later... Bachelow Chow (now with flavor), Big Pink (ham bubble gum) or maybe Hairibo (gummy fungus).
In other news, you can now check out the Voice Cast section, that is still under costruction, but that already has the main voice cast listed with some extra info of each voice actor/actress (and I know, yet another section that I should add about 9 years ago.. lol).
Slurm is now a trademark of FOX
by JavieR / July 5, 2008 / 21:51
by JavieR / July 3, 2008 / 08:06
 Ok, so I've some new stuff that I want to share with all of you. First, I recently received an
email with 2 fanfics by THM. The first one is called, And in This Corner...:
A tale of two perspectives, set after 'Time Keeps on Slipping' and the other one
Shots Fired: What if
Fry hadn't made it in time? What would've happened then? (Set after 'Leela's Homeworld')...
both are brand new so you should really check them out right now!!.
The other artist around here is Spoon.. he created some time ago some nice fan videos, but
one was missing, so there you go the video called: The Unnamed Felling
(song by Metallica) with the background of the episode The Sting.
Finally, a new interview with David X Cohen with Heidi Atwal from ARTISTdirect
has these interesting highlights:
"(About Bender's Game) We explain the back story a little bit more of Nibbler and of the Professor
and there will be a few explanations of things that happened.
"We've picked four different genres for the four movies. The first one is time travel,
the second one [..] is the monster movie, the third one is a fantasy epic [..] and the fourth one is
more of a grand straight up science fiction story to end it all, with a battle that's been going on for billions
of years with our crew finding themselves caught in the middle of it.
"I'm fairly certain I will evolve into live action at some point, but Matt Groening's shows
won't die [laughs]
You check the whole interview cliking here!.
Now is time to say good night, and congrats to the LDU (that's for the fans of that team).
by JavieR / July 2, 2008 / 21:38
 Ok, this is a quick update because is 00H00 around here and I should be sleeping already
(I've to wake up early tomorrow). There's some new fanart from Zed 85, with 4 new images featuring
Leela in different situations... Marine Leela, Werewolf Leela (featured today), Leela
(Futurama vs. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) and a colored realistic art of Leela.
Well, the Beast with a Billion Backs is #2 in Amazon UK so if you're near
there help Futurama and buy the DVD!. I've to sleep now.. zzzz
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