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January, 2010
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by JavieR / January 31, 2010 / 22:36
 Hi again. Is time for some new fanart, this time by a new artist around here. Please welcome Gulliver63, with 3 parodies of the classic James Bond films. The first one features Amy and Leela as different Bond girls (Amy as Aki; Leela as Helga Brandt and Solitaire), other one is about Leela called "Form Ganymede" film, and the last one (featured today) is a parody of the James Bond movie "You only Live Twice" with many of the Futurama characters.
I believe that's all for today because I'm very sleepy right now.. bye.
by JavieR / January 30, 2010 / 17:02
 Oh my.. I have not updated TFP recently.. sorry. So, what's new around here.. I'm glad to add some new images by Vimp. 5 new images created by him, featuring different characters of the series, like Zapp, Leela, Harold Zoid (Zoidberg's Uncle) , Bender drinking beer, and a last one of the classic Zoidberg parody from the 2nd Futurama movie, The Beast with a Billion Backs.
In other news that perhaps you knew about if you already follow TFP on Twitter, is the interview of @KevinPollak to John DiMaggio (Bender) and Billy West (Fry, The Professor, Zoidberg, Zapp). Is a very interesting one, so if you have more that 2 hours of spare time, you can watch it right here:
Bye, I've to run right now.
by JavieR / January 25, 2010 / 23:03
 I would like to start with a already known artist over here. She had different nicknames, but her fanart is very peculiar (you know, with those extrange images of Zapp and Fry). Some of you already know her, so here we have 2 new images by Sof-Sof. From these 2 fanarts, one features Leela, and the other features Fry talking with Bender saying "please.." to something.
I also have 1 image by Vickram101 that features a weird yellow Bender returning from a "Robonica" (convention or something like that I believe) bringing back a Bat Groening.. literally. Enjoy, because I need to sleep right now.. zzz..
by JavieR / January 22, 2010 / 09:22
 Hi. I've new fanart for you today. I'm gonna start with 2 images created by TheFightingMongooses. The first one features Leela in the disguise she used to break Coilette's (Bender as a Woman) weding with Calculon in episode "4ACV13 - Bend her". The other one (featured today) is one of Zoidberg with Bender (with Zoidberg huging Bender, and Bender kinda mad about it).
I also have another image created by Kaspired (Mike Jessen) that features a great closeup of a Leela pinting created with chalk, in traditional media. It has a great detail of how the shadows are created. That's all for today, enjoy!
by JavieR / January 19, 2010 / 12:39
 Hi there. I've been lazy.. but not today, that's why I've some neat fanart for you to enjoy! First, say hi once again to the clool MissusPatches and her 2 new fanarts, both with Bender and Fry. The first image features them cooking (a cake I believe), and the other features both of them watching TV (but Fry is already sleeping). The latest image has a nice touch about how Bender is really a good friend with Fry.
The other artist here is Sof-Sof (aka Frygirl), this time with 5 of her images. As usual, 2 of them feature those weird situations between Zapp and Fry, the other 3 feature Leela, The Human Robot Devil with Leela and a handsome/hilarious Zapp (based in the handsome Squidward from a SpongeBob SquarePants episode).
I believe that's all for today, but don't forget to come back!
I forgot to add that today, January 19, is the Birthday of Katey Sagal (the Voice of Leela). I really wish she has a great day and to continue her awesome work in Futurama. You can send your birthday wishes in her Twitter account: @KateySagal
by JavieR / January 15, 2010 / 15:14
Good news everyone! Is time for a new update at TFP. Is great to know that CGEF is now 10 years old. Not only that, according to them, David X Cohen said that the recorded episode 100th (recently recorded) could serve as a mini-season finale (fi the 26 new episodes are split in 2 seasons of 13 episodes). They also say that episode 101th is an Anthology of Interest episode featuring Xmas, Robanukah and Kwanzaa.
This last episode was also kinda confirmed by @MeSmithyman (she works for Futurama) since she posted today: "At a Futurama table read. It's our Christmas episode" with this photo.
 Is not only time of news, but also time for the fans, that's why I've added some new fanart by a new artist over here, Vimp. 6 images featuring Zoidberg as Jesus, Nibbler, Zoidberg stealing Fry's lunch, Morbo, Fry (I see what you did there version) and Zoidberg talking on his shellphone. I've also added a new fanfic by Quazie89 (formally known as MoonDay) that is named: A Smoldering Fate
by JavieR / January 11, 2010 / 22:19
 Hello people. I'm back with two new artists around here at TFP. The first one is Vickram101, he is around TFP Facebook group and decided to send me some of his fanart. The one featured today is about the Futurama characters in different TV networks (he said that the MTV + Bender image I made when MTV aired the series for 2 Weeks inspired him to create more of those mixes). The other drawings feature Bender coming out of a Yu-Gi-Oh! movie, and one of Fry standin
 The other artist here today is Decot. He kindly sent me a drawing he made featuring Dr. Zoidberg. He said is a simple image, but I think is a very decent style, and it makes you wanna see the rest of the characters in that way. I really like the way Zoidberg looks, kinda more naive (even more =D). So be sure to also check his fanart too.
I hate to say goodbye but when you've to sleep.. you stay 5 minutes more, and then you go to sleep.
by JavieR / January 8, 2010 / 11:38
 I'm here today because like I said yesterday, I was going to add a neat wallpaper for all of you to enjoy. Is true, I've added a brand new 1080 Wallpaper created by Math Math, a new artist over here at TFP! The image features a 3D scene of Bender floating in space with a martini and his classic cigar. The image is very well rendered and has great textures. Math Math said that the cigar should not be glowing in space (there's no oxigen) ...but I said, if it worked underwater (remember the episode "The Deep South"), then it can work in space!
I've also added that wallpaper image and other 3D featuring bender in the Math Math 3D page. The second image features a standing up Bender with a light behind him and with a cool font that says "Bender". Enjoy it because is some great stuf that you don't wanna miss. For more of his work you can visit his site: www.lemathmath.com
by JavieR / January 7, 2010 / 23:16
 I'm here once again. You know.. I should update more, I'll try to. First, I'm glad to add some new fanart over here. 1st, featuring TheFightingMongooses, with 7 new images in different situations and parodies. You'll find fanart with Leela, Fry and Bender parodying the Queen's "We are the Champions" song poster (nice one!), Roberto, a Deathmatch 3000, a mix between Futurama and the Simpons (I believe from one of the crossover comics), Robot Santa, Fry as security guard in the last Futurama movie, and a panorama version of the Steamboat Express (the ship featuring retro version of the characters in the 3rd Futurama movie)
 Guess what... mr35mm is also back with 2 new images. One features Leela kicking Smitty's face stills from the animation he made (from episode 1, Space Pilot 3000). The second one and featured today shows Leela and Fry dancing in a very shippy way. It has a nice background and clool expressions, so check it out!
I guess that's all for today, stay tuned for tomorrow, because I'll add a new great wallpaper for all of you to enjoy!
by JavieR / January 4, 2010 / 23:29
 Hi everyone, I hope everyone is having a great 2010! Is time to work over here again, and I want to start the year with some neat fanart that I didn't add in 2009. First, 6 new images created by Kaspired (Mike Jessen) that feature different situations like the Planet Express crew in Collen's funeral (his tribute to Britanny Murphy), an interesting mix of Futurama character faces (featured today), LaBarbaraConrad as a sexy Xmas elf, Leela with Dr. Who, and 2 versions of a Leela drawn for a tutorial, inked and not inked version.
 Wait, there's more fanart today. A new image by sick pickles that I should add a month ago got lost, but is here today. The image features an angry Leela in a great pose with her hand as gun (hair coloring is awesome). The last fanartist today is Pong123 with an image of Robot Santa (made for Xmas, but like I said, I had no time to add a lot of Xmas 2009 fanart).
Enjoy and please comeback. If not, you can get more Futurama interesting links and fanart at the twitter@slurmed and at the tfp facebook page!
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