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by JavieR / July 21, 2009 / 18:01
I'll try to add what I've read chronologically, perhaps you read it first if you are already following TFP on Twitter. First, some new info by Phil LaMarr from his Facebook page, where he says:

"Article in Variety - apparently Fox has decided to just make up numbers. The $75,000 figure they cite is not even close to what the cast is asking for. If it was, Katey Sagal would be there now during character designs!"

So, it means that the $75,000 number is a lot more than what the cast is really asking for (and that for that salary, they will be working right now in character design, something that voice actors don't have to do). It also means that the numbers are being inflated.. and something says to me that is in order to make believe that the voice cast is being greedy, and that's not true imo, because they love Futurama as we do.

Later, an ad at Craigslist.org was found by Craig Crumpton, asking for "new voices" for the reacast of Futurama, that will be handled by Dandrige Entertainment. Since the ad says "submissions must be from unrepresented sag actors only" and "no pay", many people believed that this is a mean joke, it turns out that it could be true.

I say this because I talked with Craig Crumpton from Voice Actors in the News. He has been reporting voice actors news for 10 years, and this is what he said about the ad in his futurama voice cast blog entry:

It has been brought to my attention that there is speculation that the Craigslist ad is nothing more than a prank.

"I just got off the phone with a representative from Dandridge Entertainment who stated that the ad "is not a prank", and added that the same notice has been forwarded by a number of other agencies to their voice talents."

Even with that info, I still believe and hope that 20th Century Fox TV is not that stupid to really replace the Futurama voice cast. I also still believe that a deal will appear.. it is obvious that the original voice cast is needed if Futurama is coming back.

I don't think that 20th Century Fox TV really wants to burry the show before the new season starts, but hey, Futurama has been treated like garbage many times before, and that's what worries me...

In the meantime, is not wrong to sign the online petitions asking not to recast the Futurama voices:

..and join in the Facebook groups already created:
Leave the cast of Futurama alone!!!! + Save the Voices of Futurama
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